Up to 80% of new churches fail in the first five years.* Will you help them thrive in the gospel instead?

We’re looking for partners who will help us Strengthen the Church by raising £100,000 to:

  • Plant tens of churches in the UK, Europe and worldwide

  • Raise hundreds of leaders to pastor them

  • Distribute thousands of theologically robust books and resources to nourish their congregations.

£100,000 to help churches flourish in the gospel, not fail

It is a great tragedy that 80% of new churches fail in the first five years.

The fallout is evident everywhere: disrupted discipleship; stunted gospel witness; division and disunity.

Almost always, they fail because they have weak gospel foundations.

Union is helping grow churches with strong gospel foundations by training strong leaders, nourishing their congregations with theologically robust resources, and supporting them as they plant new churches.

By giving today, you will enable us to:

  • Launch new Union Learning Communities to train leaders in Africa and Asia from September 2023

  • Produce and distribute quality theological content, including videos and books, to nourish believers all over the world with theology that enflames the heart

The gospel need is so great. Give today, and help Strengthen the Church:

*Statistic from: https://gccollective.org/article/the-top-reasons-most-church-plants-fail-within-five-years/

To help us help more churches flourish in the gospel, we need your help. Here’s what your support could achieve:


Could translate a book to nourish believers in gospel-deprived countries


Could start a new Learning Community to raise up leaders in Africa and Asia


Could start a video studio to create and distribute quality theological teaching content

See Union’s impact in our 2022 Ministry Report