Raising a generation of leaders: Insights from our recent Alumni Survey

At Union School of Theology, we want to raise leaders who love and delight in God, and so grow daily in Christ, serving the church and blessing the world from the overflow of God’s goodness and grace.

We recently surveyed our alumni* to find out what they’re up to and how their studies have equipped and enabled them in their day-to-day lives.

Serving the church

Over half our alumni are now pastors, and 71% are engaged in full-time Christian work. 

All of the alumni who responded to our survey are active in regular ministry, whatever their occupation. They are serving in areas including evangelism, children and youth ministry, women’s ministry, student ministry, pastoral counselling, leading small groups, and preaching. 

Union graduates represent a broad spectrum of churches, from independent evangelical, Baptist, Presbyterian, Anglican, and Pentecostal churches. 

“Amongst other things, my time at Union created connections with other Christians from different ‘tribes’ and stronger theological grounding for my evangelicalism.” – Peter, GDip, 2019

Blessing the world

A third of Union graduates are active in church planting. It is a great privilege to be able to partner with many of these planters with prayer support, through Reformation Fellowship and by providing funding from Union Mission.

Our students come from all over the world – and serve all over the world. 

If you are a church planter, whether a UST alumnus or not, you can find out more about partnering with Union Mission here.

Delighting in God and growing in Christ

How does theological and spiritual formation at Union equip students for ministry? Our alumni highlighted:

  • Renewed love for Christ, confidence in and enthusiasm for His word

  • Theological depth and rigour

  • Good tools to keep on growing

  • Biblical languages

  • Practical and pastoral skills

  • Seeing how theology applies directly to ministry

  • Fuel for an affections-driven ministry

  • Connections with Christians from other groupings

  • Benefitting from new networks and the experiences of others

What are our graduates saying?

“Increased love for Christ and confidence in His Word.” – Geoff, GDip, 2019

“Effectively, the course of reading opened up by the GDip has begun a pattern of in-depth study which I have thus far maintained in the four years since I graduated, and intend with God's help to continue for life, for a ministry grounded and guarded by being constantly pointed back to the truth; to the Scripture; to Christ. To God be the glory!” – Stuart, GDip, 2018

“It has given me spiritual encouragement and discipline in learning from God's word and thinking theologically, and helped me in my further research of Scripture and theology.” – Peter, MTh, 2021

“Theological rootedness, and fuel for an affections-driven ministry.” – Matt, MTh, 2019

“It deepened my love of Jesus. Gave me the language and foundations to engage with further theological reading, enabled me to benefit from networks and other's experience and wisdom - I have a band of brothers whom I completed my studies with.” – Chris, GDip, 2019

Study with us

With flexible and on-campus programmes from BA to PhD, we’re working to make robust theological training accessible to all those called to gospel ministry. If you want to grow in your love of Christ and serve his church, we invite you to study with us. Find out more and apply now:

*Results from 59 respondents who graduated between 2014–2021


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